Ask Us Anything!


It has been a while since we introduced ourselves here and, since our faces have been showing up more on the feed between daytrips, adventures, and more, we felt like it would be nice to peel back the curtain on us, Cam and Christine — the co-founders of Maine the Way. Rather than conduct a formal interview though, we put a question box on our Instagram to Ask Us Anything, so here are our answers to your curiosities. Enjoy!


What Maine city do you live in? How many different addresses have you two called home in Maine? Did you grow up in ME?

Christine: We live in Portland’s West End. I’ve had two addresses, the home I was brought back to from the hospital after I was born and the apartment we now reside — with some time out of state in between.

Cam: While I wasn’t born in Maine, I moved here at 18 for school and never left. From Bates College, I lived in Kingfield for a year before moving to the East End and then the West End, where we’ve been for almost five years.

Did you have a corporate background before starting MTW?

Christine: Not really. I worked for a travel agency after college, where I did airline logistics, which has certainly helped in the work we do now.

Cam: Nope. I was a fine art photographer out of school and have been self-employed ever since!

How many weeks in a row on the water this year?

We got on the water two weeks earlier than we did last year, so, if we keep it up, we could hit 30 weeks in a row!!

Where would you travel to tomorrow, no questions asked?

Christine: South Pacific Islands!

Cam: Norway (Not Norway, Maine, although I like going there too...)!

Have you ever biked across the boarder to Canada? Paddled? Hiked?

Christine: Yes — all the above! In middle school, I did a bike trip with Apogee Adventures (shoutout!) from Freeport to Quebec. Finishing the Allagash, we were briefly on the St. John River and touched a toe on Canadian soil — shh. And, if by hike you mean walked, when we were up there writing the piece on Ployes in Issue 03: Summer, we crossed the bridge from Madawaska into Edmundston for some live music in the park!

If you each had to choose a Maine brew that represents YOU, what would they be?

Christine: When Cam and I started dating, I said if I were a beer, it would be MITA by Rising Tide. This was before the days of the ubiquitous 16 oz cans, so this taller option was rarer. Paired with its pale nature and coastal ties, it felt like me in a can. Plus, it’s delicious, but I don’t know what that says about myself.

Cam: Allagash's River Trip. You'll find me with a paddle in my hand much of the year, so it really fits the bill.


Best stargazing in Maine?

Under the new moon of a warm summer night without much of a breeze, laying on a big granite slab of an island with friends.

Do you think Maine is a great retirement state?

That feels very far away for us, but I can’t imagine retiring anywhere else — YES!

How do you support local paper mills?

While our paper is still American-made, coming from Minnesota, unfortunately we weren’t able to find what we were looking for made in Maine. Most of the mills here are producing specialty products, not sheet paper, but we support the local paper mills through editorial stories we’ve told in Issue 08: Forests and in upcoming publications too.

Who’s better: Mainers that moved away, or transplants that are in Maine now?

We like to say you’re a Mainer if you choose to live here. If you want to call this state home, we’re happy to have you!

What drinks scream MAINE?

Craft beer and tap water.

Have you seen the state bird of Maine?

Which state bird — the chickadee or the mosquito? Yes. Both. Very often!

Favorite Maine fresh catch?

Christine: Dayboat Scallops when they’re in season! Ugh, but oysters are so good too!

Cam: A big steak of bluefin tuna perhaps, although fresh cod in tacos can be hard to beat.

Have you drank Moxie on Moxie Mountain?

No. Shall we this summer?

Have you eaten blueberries on Blueberry Mountain?

Yes! Want to read more about it? Click here.

Have you been to every county in Maine?



This or that:


Podcast or playlist?

Cam: Podcasts. I listen to a few a day most days. News, adventure, science, history, all kinds of subjects.

Christine: Playlist. I love making playlists seasonally, filled with songs I’m into at the time. It ends up being a random assortment of genres, which I think is fun for road trips, cooking, hanging with friends — as well as going back to old playlists and reliving the memories those songs take me to!

Winter or summer?

Christine: Between the two, summer.

Cam: Maybe I’ll say winter just to be different. I love skiing and I love the way the landscape looks when it’s blanketed in snow.

Lake house or ocean house?

Cam: Lake house! While I love the ocean, it is hard to beat a cold, clear lake in my opinion.

Christine: Ocean. Every time.

Pizza or tacos?

Christine: Tacos.

Cam: Tacos. Mexican food every day!

Popsicle or ice cream?

Christine: This one’s tricky for me because I love both, but I love making batches of popsicles throughout the summer based on what’s fresh and enjoying them after a run or on those hot summer days…

Cam: Ice cream, preferably one with heath bars.

Savory or sweet breakfast?

Cam: Savory — although I do love maple syrup.

Christine: Always savory, but sometimes savory AND sweet!


Thanks for the fun questions — hope you learned something new & different about us!


Daytrip to Phippsburg & The Peninsulas


Daytrip Down the Sheepscot River